Full Manufacturers WarrantyFull Manufacturers Warranty
Official Global DistributorOfficial Global Distributor
Complete Facom RangeComplete Facom Range

Frequently Asked Questions

Having trouble placing your order?

Please use the website contact us page, support ticket to email us on [email protected] or call us on +44 (0) 1637 873 944

I can’t find what I am looking for?

We have organised our website to make your shopping experience as easy as possible. You can shop by category then use the filters in the left hand column to navigate to the tools you are looking for. You can also use the search facility to search by part number, product or description.

How can I Pay?

You can pay direct through the website via Credit Card, Debit Card, PayPal or Bank Transfer. Simply proceed to checkout and select your preferred payment option.

Are the prices inclusive or excluding VAT or sales tax?

Prices are by default displayed as excluding VAT or sale tax. However you can select how you view the prices by switching the VAT toggle on the top right of the website.

Do I have to pay VAT?

If your goods are for use and destined for a delivery address in the UK, yes you will need to pay VAT. If your goods are for use and delivery address outside of the UK, then this is an export and we will zero rate the VAT /  sales tax. The VAT / sales tax will be clearly shown at checkout and on your order confirmation and on the invoices.

Can I be quoted and pay in multiple currencies?

Currently no, all prices are in Great British Pounds GBP

How much is shipping?

Shipping is calculated at checkout once you have entered your shipping address. You will be given all available shipping options and the costs so that you can choose.

How long does it take for delivery?

Delivery time is due to product availability and shipping duration. Product availability can be found on each product page. Typical shipping durations can be found here.

Do you offer Ex works?

No, we only offer DAP or CPT incoterms for a complete and end to end servcie.

Is the website secure?

Yes, we use an SSL certificated encryption for all of your personal details and card details.

Are my personal details safe?

Your personal details are kept in the secure section of our website. Your card details are handled and protected by Braintree (a large international payment gateway provider) which means that we do not store or handle your card details. We do not sell, rent, gift or exchange your personal details with any 3rd party, we only use the details that you provide to process your orders.

When I place an order what happens next?

If you have paid by Credit/Debit Card or PayPal. You will receive an order confirmation email. If your payment is succesful you will receive an invoice for your payment. If your payment was declined you will receive an email advising you. We will now process your order. Once your order ships, you will receive a shipment email.  If you have paid by Bank Transfer. You will receive an order confirmation email with a pro-forma invoice which includes our bank details for you to make payment. Once we recevie your payment into our bank, we will send you an invoice for your payment. We will now process your order. Once your order ships, you will receive a shipment email.

What warranty do I get with my order?

All items supplied by Expert Tool Store come with manufacturers warranty, which is at least 1 year.

How do I process a warranty claim?

You should contact us in writting, please use the website contact us page, support ticket to email us on [email protected] 

Do you provide COC and COO Certificates with my shipment?

We are able to provide you with the manufacturers COC and COO Certificate if you request at the time of invoice, these will be free of cost.

Do you provide Chamber of Commerce Stamped COC or COO Certificates?

Yes we can, there is a charge for these Certificates, please mention you require these before placing your order so that they can be added to your order.

Do Torque Wrenches come with Calibration Certificate?

All Torque Wrenches come with a Certificate of Conformity ISO6789-1 which proves that the torque wrench is manufactured correctly and can hold a tolerance. Your torque wrench will need to be calibrated before first use.

Do you offer Credit accounts?

We are able to offer credit accounts for UK trade customers only, subject to application. We usually require 5 pro-forma invoices beforehand and a sound credit history.